Broxbourne Borough Council

Further information on how to access affordable housing in the Borough of Broxbourne can be found on this page.

The following is a list of documents that will be accepted in support of your application to join Broxbourne Council's Housing Register.

1. Identity and Immigration Status – A passport for EACH household member on the application OR a photo identification AND an immigration document.

Photo identification may include:

  • Valid driving license (full or provisional)

Immigration documents may include:

  • Birth certificate
  • Biometric Resident Permit (BRP)
  • Settled status letter
  • Sharecode

2. Proof of current address – EACH applicant over the age of 16 needs to provide ONE of the items from the following list (all documents excluding the tenancy or licence agreement should be dated within the last 3-6 months at point of application):

  • Council Tax bill
  • Tenancy or Licence Agreement
  • Utilities bill/mobile phone bill
  • Bank statement (copies of original statements)
  • Letters from other official agencies e.g. NHS, Schools, HMRC etc.
3. Child Benefit letter if applicable. Please provide ONE of the following:
  • letter received from HM Revenue & Customs, which shows the award and child's name. This must include each child on the application form. (Child Tax Credit letters are not acceptable as proof of Child Benefit)
  • bank statements showing receipt of Child Benefit
4. Proof of finances (main and joint applicant, if applicable)
  • The last 3 months bank and/or building society and Post Office account statements for all accounts
  • The last 3 months Payslips for all household members where applicable

Please provide your documents within 28 days of submitting your application.

The Borough of Broxbourne is in southeast Hertfordshire, adjoining London to the south and Essex to the east. It has an area of 52 square kilometres and a population of about 99,000. The largest towns are Cheshunt, Hoddesdon and Waltham Cross.

The Borough of Broxbourne is an area where demand for affordable housing is greater than the supply of social housing available.

One of the Council's corporate objectives is to deliver affordable homes for local residents and reduce homelessness. this will be acheived by:


  • increasing the affordable housing in the Borough through acquisition and the Council's capital programme
  • Working in partnership with housing associations and other developers to maximise the supply of new affordable homes

Further information about the Council's Corporate Priorities and Objectives can be found on the Council's website.

Broxbourne Council administers a Housing and Transfer Register that is made up of households who have applied for social housing (also known as affordable housing) in the Borough of Broxbourne.

Each applicant has their housing needs assessed and are given a level of priority. This priority is expressed as a number of points. The more points awarded, the greater the applicant's need for re-housing in accordance with the Council's Allocations Policy.

Applicants can express an interest (place a bid) on available properties that are advertised through the HomeOption scheme. The applicant with the highest number of points for a property will be allocated that property, subject to a number of exceptions (as set out in the Council's Allocations Policy).

There are two types of applicants on the register:

  • Homeseekers are applicants looking to rent a social housing property in the Borough for the first time
  • Transfers are existing social housing tenants wishing to transfer to another social housing property in the Borough


Please also note the following:

  • Broxbourne Council does not own any social housing properties
  • the social housing in the Borough is owned and managed by housing associations and they set their own rents
  • there is a severe shortage of housing association accommodation across the Borough compared to the number of people looking to be housed
  • joining the register does not mean you are guaranteed to be housed
  • it could be a considerable amount of time before you are offered a property and many applicants will never be successful so you should consider all housing options, for example, the private rented sector
  • The Council cannot tell you exactly how long it will take to rehouse you through the Housing and Transfer Register. This is because it is a priority needs register, not a waiting list. It depends on the properties that become available, who else is showing an interest in them, and their priority

Affordable Housing Development

The Council and its housing association partners are working to provide a range of affordable housing in the Borough. The housing will be a mixture of homes for rent and homes to buy on a shared ownership basis (part rent/part buy). Households on the Council's Housing and Transfer Register will be able to bid for the homes for rent through the HomeOption scheme. Please visit the "Your housing Options" page for more information on shared ownership and other forms of affordable home ownership. See also the Planning Development Strategy section below.

Housing Policy and Strategy Documents

Please find links below to policy documents produced by Broxbourne Council's Housing Advice Service.

Allocations Policy: How social housing is allocated in the Borough

Affordable Housing Strategy: The Affordable Housing Strategy sets out how the Council intends to maximise the supply of affordable housing to meet local housing need.

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy: The strategic action plan to tackle and reduce the causes of homelessness.

Planning Development Strategy

Broxbourne's Local Plan 2018-2033
The provision of new affordable housing depends on many factors including an available supply of land on which to build. The Council's Local Plan sets out how land in the Borough will be used and developed. Through the Local Plan the Council aims to provide around 7,700 homes by 2033 including a mix of market housing and affordable housing. Some key development sites are:

  • Brookfield Garden Village, with about 1,250 new homes and a primary school, to be built adjacent to Brookfield Riverside.
  • Cheshunt Lakeside, a new mixed-use urban village with 1,725 homes, businesses and a primary school, on land currently occupied by the Delamare Road employment area.
  • Rosedale Park, already in construction, with 864 homes and a primary school on the former Tudor Nurseries site and at Rags Brook, opening up the valley to public access for the first time and creating a parkland setting for developments.
  • High Leigh Garden Village, up to 485 dwellings in Hoddesdon, and a primary school.

Further information on the Local Plan can be found here: